Podcast, Book, & Webinars

I've changed my mind about something.

I was taught that my time as a disciple is best aimed at relational disciple making. It goes deeper though. I was taught my ministry time should be spent only doing relational disciple making. It's the only that I've changed my mind about. Let me tell you how it happened.

Four years ago, I started this blog. It was the first time in 16 years of vocational ministry that I’d done something aimed at the general public. It wasn't really for the public. It was for God. I felt like He was asking me to "show my work." It's had some surprising results.

First, the rigor of writing every two weeks has made me a better communicator and disciple maker. A huge part of my work with pastors and church leaders is communication. It’s an immense challenge to impact the ministry paradigm of those who have years of education and experience doing it a certain way. Excellent communication is essential to effectiveness.

Second, people all over the world have found my writing valuable. Each month, you and thousands of people from all around the world visit this website. Year over year the number of visitors continues to grow. Thank you!

So, I've changed my mind. I'm now convinced that some public ministry is worth the investment--regardless of whether an audience develops or not. Jesus did it, and our task as disciples is to emulate our Master.

I have a few new initiatives to share with you. If you are looking to grow as a disciple maker or to grow a disciple making culture you are going to love them!

1. The Practitioners PODCAST My friend local disciple-making pastor, Tony Miltenberger and I have launched a podcast! Each week this podcast focuses on applying Jesus-style disciple-making to everyday life. Each episode tackles an aspect of disciple making, so that you can improve as a disciple maker and a disciple making leader. You can listen HERE or wherever you get your podcasts.

2. The Foundation of a Disciple Making Culture E-BOOK I am releasing an e-Book in conjunction with discipleship.org and Navigators Church Ministries. I've been writing this little book for nearly a year (slow progress as the bulk of my time is still spent relationally making disciples), and the release is finally here! You can download it HERE for free. I'm very excited about the contribution. I expect this book to help churches develop disciple making cultures that are strong enough to last!

3. How to Make Disciple Making the CORE Mission of the Church WEBINAR On Thursday, December 3rd at 11am EST I will join Dr. Bobby Harrington, Alex Mata, and Steve McCoy to discuss how disciple making can be the cultural reality that drives everything in the local church. This already happened, but you can catch the main points HERE.

4. The Foundation of a Disciple Making Culture WEBINAR. On Thursday, December 17th at 11am EST, Dr. Bobby Harrington and I will discuss my newly released ebook. If you are interested in how to develop a foundation strong enough to support disciple making in the church or know someone who is, then this webinar will help! You can register HERE.

So there’s lots of places to connect with me and to continue growing in disciple making over the next couple months. I am very excited to share these things with you and know it will help you to continue growing towards becoming a fruitful disciple maker!