Church Growth

Consumerism and Disciple Making Pt. 2 - Purchasing Power is Found in Systems

Consumerism and Disciple Making Pt. 2 - Purchasing Power is Found in Systems

The second question of consumerism is, “Where do I get the power to purchase satisfaction?” The answer is, “Purchasing power is found through employment and participation in institutions/systems.” We are groomed to live a system life that deeply impacts the way we relate to one another, to our work, and to ourselves. 

Average Church: Actions

Average Church: Actions

American Christians have become so infatuated with theological beliefs that action and application have been neglected. It’s not that theology isn’t important, but when theological convictions don’t lead to actions then both our lives and our witness suffer.

The failure of Christians to visibly act out their faith is a key reason why many are leaving the church.

Three Successive Demands of Transformation

Three Successive Demands of Transformation

If you could be transformed to be more like Jesus in just one way, what would it be? What’s stopping you? Truth is transformation is expensive. In my work with lead pastors, discipleship pastors, and church leaders in Dayton Ohio, I've found three demands of transformation are both universal and unrelenting. Meeting these demands has the power to flip the success rate from 20% to 80%.